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Our School

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

Johnson Upper Elementary School is committed to providing a safe, respectiful environment that supports the academic and socio-emotional needs of every student as they develop the necessary skills to become capable, confident, life-long learners. 

Our Vision

Johnson Upper Elementary School supports the Livonia Public Schools Shared Vision. 

Our Collective Commitments

We will be consistent in our expectations for student learning and behavior.

We will teach, model and reinforce respectful and responsible behavior.

We will provide a safe learning environment.

We will differentiate our instruction to meet the needs of each of our students.

We will make learning fun and meaningful for our students.

We will treat all members of our collaborative learning community with empathy and respect.

Our Shared Belief Statements

Our daily work is guided by the following shared beliefs:

  1. We believe all students will learn when given a variety of support strategies.
  2. We believe students will meet the expectations when there are firm and consistent procedures.
  3. We believe that when trust is reciprocal, trust is built, and learning happens.
  4. We believe every child belongs to the Johnson Community, so we need to help each other.
  5. We believe every child has positive qualities that need to be recognized and fostered.
  6. We believe perseverance and effort are critical to successful learning.
  7. We believe students need to understand that they are the first person in their learning process and education.
  8. We believe we must network respectfully with others to model a positive example for our students.
  9. We believe that, given the time we have our students, we can reach and impact all of them.
  10. We believe that our collaboration fosters a learning community at our school.

S.O.A.R. Matrix

S.O.A.R. Card

Our School Day

8:00 a.m. - Start of Teacher Work Day

8:15 a.m.- Students Enter Building

8:25 a.m. - Morning Bell/Instructional Day Begins

11:05 - 11:55 a.m. - 6th Grade Lunch & Recess

12:00 - 12:50 p.m.  - 5th Grade Lunch & Recess

3:30 p.m. - Dismissal

3:42 p.m. - End of Teacher Work Day

S.O.A.R. Behavior Expectations

S.O.A.R. stands for Stay Safe, Own Our School, Act Responsibly and Respect Everyone. At Johnson, we believe our community works best for everyone when these behavior expectations are followed.At the beginning of the school year, students will be taught what is expected of them in each area of the school. Posters highlighting our S.O.A.R. Behavior Expectations will be posted throughout the school. There will be rewards for students who are observed consistently demonstrating respectful, responsible and safe behaviors.

At the beginning of the year, each student will be issued a SOAR card, kept by his or her classroom teacher. If a student violates any of our S.O.A.R. expectations, a teacher will sign the SOAR card and discuss the infraction with the student. Each time the SOAR card is signed a parent will be contacted. If a student has 3 minor infractions or a major infraction it will be handled by our administrators.

Please see the links at the bottom of the page for our S.O.A.R. Matrix and S.O.A.R. Card.