Title I Overview
Title I Q&A Guide
Phone: 734-744-2740 Ext. 23017
Livonia Public Schools District Information on Title I
The Who, What, When, Where, and How of
Title I Services
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded government program that was established in the mid-1960s to provide additional opportunities for young people to succeed.
What are Title I Services?
Title I services are supplemental instructional lessons or support services that help students reach grade level standards in core curricular academic areas.
Who receives Title I services?
While it is possible that any student at Johnson Elementary could receive services, the extra support is provided to those students whose district assessments and classroom performance have fallen below grade level expectations.
How is it determined that a student might need services?
Test scores (i-Ready), benchmark assessments and teacher observations are used to determine who may be in need of extra support.
Student data is reviewed three times per year by the classroom teachers, service providers, and administrators to determine eligibility for Title I. After each subsequent review, services may continue, be modified, or discontinued.
Where do Title I services take place?
Services may be provided inside your child’s regular classroom or with a small group in the Title I room (rm. 17) or Mrs. Chichila’s classroom (rm. 18).
When is assistance provided?
Services are scheduled as a 30 minute block, Monday thru Friday, during the school day. Students will not be missing any new classroom instruction while receiving this additional instruction.
Who provides Title I services?
Johnson Elementary is a targeted Title I building. Title I funds are used to employ support staff who work with teachers, parents, and students to provide supplemental support in literacy. Eligible students will receive extra support from either Mrs. Chichila, Mrs. Weber or Mrs. Michalski.
How will I know if my child will be receiving services?
Parents/guardians of students who qualify to receive Title I services are notified in writing from the Title I team.
How will I know if my child is making progress?
At the fall parent teacher conference, you will receive the most recent test and assessment results from the classroom teacher. Your child’s report cards will contain progress reports from the Title I team which will include attendance, updated test scores, and growth monitoring test results.
How can I help my child?
- Encourage your child to read daily
- Ask questions about your child’s day and set goals
- Make sure your child attends school regularly
- Play math and literacy based games
- Encourage healthy eating and sleeping habits
- Limit screen time
- Stay current with school events:
-Facebook Pages:
- Johnson Upper Elementary School
- Livonia Public Schools
- Johnson Elementary PTA